a powerful and profitable belief system: I believe the current trade I am in will be a loser…a big loser at that.
I was interested in the information that was sufficient to make a decision (36)
the distribution of returns is NOT always normal and it is NOT true that an event that had not happened before had a zero chance of happening in the future (255)
never underestimate the power of inertia (8)
creativity involves generating new ideas, imagining different possibilities, considering alternative options by judging which work best or feel right (72)
studiare le persone/fatti nei casi estremi/non normali (18)
Benny listed some specific rules: don’t play takeover stocks; be patient; don’t take home losers; don’t average down; eliminate the things you do poorly; stop rationalizing your mistakes by pointing to how well you are doing. make the commitement, create your own lists, and live by the lists. The one thing that has to be on the list is to be brutally honest with yourself. (38)
palms facing up
Legge dei pochi –> grado di socievolezza/vitalità (puntare a chi ha tanti amici; importanza dei legami deboli; sul sito facciamo faccina che sorride che fa sì (94)
to get people to want stuff, desire should be linked to rudimentary human patterns - what we admire, what we despise, what we love, and what we hate and fear (22)