1 minute read

  1. to get people to want stuff, desire should be linked to rudimentary human patterns - what we admire, what we despise, what we love, and what we hate and fear (22)

    1. if he could tap into people’s desire to feel good, powerful and sexy, he could sell anything (22)

    2. he got consumers to buy not what needed but what they desired, connecting not just to who the consumer is but who he or she wanted to be

    3. we are addicted to new products (32)

    4. Join fellow guests in helping save the environment. (82)

    5. The role of companies is to act as curators and ambassadors, creating platforms that facilitate self- managed exchanges and contributions. And companies can charge a service fee for providing that service and playing that role. (92)

    6. free rifers, vandalsls and abusers are easily weeded out, just as openness, trust and reciprocity are encouraged and rewarded (93)

    7. four principles of collaborative consumption: critical mass, belief in commons, idling capacity and trust between strangers. (75)

    8. 3 rating tools: quality, style, speed (142)

    9. now design is not about solving problems, every business should be completely concerned with beauty (186)

    10. it’s the design of the systems (easy sign-up, swipe cards, GPS tracking, automatic billing) that has facilitated their replicability. (192)

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