Legge dei pochi –> grado di socievolezza/vitalità (puntare a chi ha tanti amici; importanza dei legami deboli; sul sito facciamo faccina che sorride che fa sì (94)
Business Books
to get people to want stuff, desire should be linked to rudimentary human patterns - what we admire, what we despise, what we love, and what we hate and fear (22)
most people don’t know what they want unless they see it in context (3)
attention to employees has the dominant impact on productivity (6)
“Why?” Turns tacticians into strategists (18)
**do not personalize success and take responsibilities for failures **(XII)
Invest in assets (=they generate income) no liabilities (=they generate debts)
Ask yourself: if there was no market for these shares, would I be willing to have an investment in this company on these terms? (36)
[caption id=“attachment_125” align=“alignleft” width=“204”] The real Warren Buffet[/caption]
ask why and define specific purposes (63) - Purpose > why> how